life and death, playful and happy

from spirit world with geoa

spirit world with geoa
2 min readApr 5, 2024
it me

I’m happy.

The winter air drifts in the open door, spirits chatting over coffee, a four year old brandishing her sparkly wand, a couple under blankets, cozy and chatting in the half-mumbled words of morning.

The sun shines through the window, joining us as I write and watch, the building blocks of life playing around me, mom and daughter and cat and partner, playful and sparks and loud and grating. We protested yesterday. Protested most things.

Things are strewn ADHD-esque across the canvas of our room, things and memories and journals filled with words. It’s perfect. You’re perfect. What is perfect?

Light and darkness, twining and content, your skin soft and your life loud over a peaceful silence. The fey and kids and souls are content here. Loud and messy and content and thriving. It’s a good home, you’ve let me into, my love. I love being here, so. There is such colour and grace.

I love it.

Death is loud today, burbling in its river and rumbling amongst my thoughts, bracingly cold against the silence under the noise. It feels like true Death today, vibrant and whole, part of life, hand in hand with its partner, its cousin, its kin.

She is loud and peaceful and right, today. Spirits and humans and fey all contentedly working alongside her existence, feeling her, forgetting her, knowing her. Thinking about her and smiling or crying, acceptance and knowledge.

Death is loud and I am happy.


other fey/darkness/death stories



spirit world with geoa

fey faerie fairy tale stories brought to you by geoa geer and whoever else is around today