Movies, magic and dark

studio A24 poetry, from “spirit world with geoa”

spirit world with geoa
2 min readJun 30, 2022

I’m on a Studio A24 kick, with

Everything Everywhere All at Once filling me with the most vibrant colour and bilinguality, words to reach and words to hurt, “trying to connect in amongst all this noise,” the co-director explains,

the black hole of (everything) sucking you in, multitudes of echoes and shadows and rocks

as you leap into the abyss, the fingers of your ancestors reaching, pulling you back

Or the Green Knight and its menagerie of stories? aching and ancient, foretold and fey, inhuman eyes grinning and watching, amused and confused, mulling



watching as you breathe in the beautiful nature of death and squint just there, at this glimmer, this splash of green as deep as blood, spreading across your stomach as your eyes wander, fading, as your feet stumble off the path

Midsommar, aching and death,

the smile of victory and finding community, blood dripping and hands held (with death in all these stories), eyes glowing in fanaticism and flowers under midnight sun, screaming,

somehow one of the most accurate depictions of gaslighting and broken communication I’ve ever seen — honesty, lost, trust, lost, trying, but not

the movie plays and splashes in the darkness-light of horror

yet nails the loss of humanity in hollow relationships the best

the Lighthouse fills us with void and emptiness, the chaos-murder of men and nature, storms rolling and suffocating

the camera work a ridiculous delight, grey and static against spinning thoughts—then, gone, eyes pecked and intestines falling out, friendship not quite enough to overweigh jealousy and starvation, darkness eating

on these stories with grinning teeth, blood and community, paths through the night and howls at the dark —

so don’t venture into the void

alone and unheard





spirit world with geoa

fey faerie fairy tale stories brought to you by geoa geer and whoever else is around today