rest ❤

spirit world with geoa
2 min read4 days ago


I’m a rest connoisseur, the smoke of reset spiraling from my mouth and floating towards the clouds, my shoulders relaxing and my thoughts, pondering

I’m life-lucky enough to discover this passion, nurture it endlessly, this art of recharge

the soft peace of switching off your brain and absorbing a show with a good script and interesting connections,

a short shift ending soon, or heading home with enough spoons to still enjoy my day

the smile of comfort, the joy of cheese and pasta, microwaved in the bowl that fits my hands perfectly and my mom found for me,

of good, fresh veggies that smell good and look funky

(all from the local veggie shop with the woman who smiles at me),

the smell of dirt and life and sweat

of quiet.

the soft joy

of the sharp, cool air that reminds me of home and smells of snow

of being warm

of using “no” and being heard

of grief and the time to process it.

the soft touch of joy from dumb art my friend made, my love overflowing

giving me the permission for my writing to be dumb, too

the soft joy of clouds exploring the night sky, and watching them from my bed

of touch, and smiles, and connection

of tea, and coffee, and chai

of the tastes of home or your tongue soft against my neck,

or what about a good post and spreadsheet? organising with our AuADHD and burnout both, the comfort of protests and community and murky clarity, of feeling useful/useless, together

of finding a cause that fits your soul

and a group that needs you

and you, them

and coming together to face the unknown

and fight

(for rest)




spirit world with geoa

fey faerie fairy tale stories brought to you by geoa geer and whoever else is around today