rounding the bend and finding peace

spirit world with geoa
2 min readOct 22, 2022


relief poetry from ‘spirit world with geoa’

sun through the forest

today is soft rain, smoke dissipating, your lungs taking a deep breath for the first time in a while, your eyes squinting as tears gather contemplatively, throat hitching in companionable silence

gratitude loss community aches today, smiles and tears combining like our dark brown water we made when painting water colours when we were kids, our fingers and tables more colourful than the paper our adults gave us with a deep sigh, their inner child sadhappy at the sight

today is bed and everything too-loud, smiling at the disruption and companionship and birds, cat calling their worst predators and each other

it’s soft and hard and hoodies and rest, today is for food, this week has been — hard good, like tearing off a bandaid that was there for too long, fused to your skin and doing nothing but mould

today is for sadness and sighs, appreciating the sun and each other, it’s for memories knocking at your door, rolling your eyes and letting them in and swirl and hold you, the vivid smells of dinner with your lost friend, wafting

not lost-sad, maybe grief-sad, definitely trauma-healing-good sad, the kind that’s clear on the other side, finding a beautiful river underneath and smiling — did I ever think I would have something so beautiful? so peaceful? it’s for smiling at your reflection in the thing you wouldn’t dream to have, it’s sighing for the things you do not and the injustice in the world that pierces your skin and makes you bleed, it’s for, sadness, idk, the kind that tastes like cotton candy/fairy dust, melted before you’ve truly enjoyed the flavour but then it’s there, imprinted in blue on your tongue as you laugh and chat and eat fried dough

today is for memories, enshrined and shared, today is for food you’d forgotten you needed, today is for your inner child who wants to play in mud, sand and rocks and dirt digging at their skin and dirtying every item of clothing imaginable but

the cleaning doesn’t have to be done, it’s just

a memory

go play

go be

go eat, my friend

enjoy the river of sadness and songs, of smells and hands touched, eyes met, laughter shared, heartbreaks wraught, mud splashed, today is for

smoke clearing and

your headache melting into

something far more beautiful.


our stunning photographer for the day for a hug :)



spirit world with geoa

fey faerie fairy tale stories brought to you by geoa geer and whoever else is around today